Solar Power vs Wind Power?
Which is better or most effective? Vote at the Solar Power vs Wind Power throwdown, then come back here and give me your opinion!
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Which is better or most effective? Vote at the Solar Power vs Wind Power throwdown, then come back here and give me your opinion!
Solar Energy is one of the best sources of clean and green electricity. I think that we should build more efficient solar thermal power plants and solar cells. frequently. “
oh how i wish that we are all using Alternative sources of energy instead of oil “
solar power would be cheaper it we could just cut down the cost of solar cells`;-
solar energy will get cheaper in the future and more efficient too:-~
solar cells these days are not yet very efficient in generating electricity”*:
solar panels for homes are still expensive and requires some large capital to install'”;
i would prefer wind power over solar cells coz they do not waste a lot of area*`-
alternative energy is the best option that we can choose if we really want clean sources of power:-‘
solar power is great because it is a reneweable source of energy and non-polluting too`;’
solar energy is one of the best options that we can get if we want to go green in power generation”:.
wind power is just as good if not better than solar power. wind power also generates more power per unit area compared to solar’;`
amorphous type solar cells are the cheapest option that we cant get if we want solar power”,`
solar power has lots to offer that is why we should improve our technology in harnessing the energy coming from the sun “
even with the price drop, solar cells are still quite expensive if you want to get more than 500 Watts “