
david-andersenMy name is David Andersen. I consider myself a home energy enthusiast, someone who cares about saving energy not only for the effect on home energy bills, but on the environment as well. I live in Buffalo, NY, with my wife and three kids, in a modest house on the East Side.

I got into home energy around 2004, when I became tired of paying National Fuel and NYSEG (my local energy companies) so much money. They were really only partially to blame, though. My house wasn’t exactly energy efficient. And my family’s energy practices weren’t exactly great either.

Since then, I’ve pretty much concentrated my efforts on energy conservation, home energy usage, and energy saving techniques. I’m not afraid to try new things, especially new tips that might save me money on my energy costs. And I’m definitely not shy on reporting what I find!

Back in 2004 and 2005, I wrote my first ebook, “A practical guide to reducing energy bills”. It was over 400 pages and had well over 200 simple tips and repairs teaching how to lower home energy bills. Since then, I’ve gotten more into home energy audits as the best method for finding and reducing energy bills. I’ve managed to lower my energy bills as low as they will go without major home repairs (with costs that exceed the market value of my house) so right now I’m in a bit of a bind. Do I make the energy repairs and lower my bills more, knowing that I will never recoup the investment? Or do I simply look for another house at this point (to tell you the truth, we’ve been looking to move anyway)

My current interests include:

  • Air conditioning repair and troubleshooting
  • Heating & mechanics
  • Thermodynamics (the science of heat)
  • Energy Audits
  • Home Energy

Contact Me

If you have a question about home energy, this site, or just have something on your mind, just fill out out the form below and I’ll get back to you!