New Home Energy Audit Kits available

Last updated on March 16th, 2024 at 02:10 pm

Do you know why energy audits are so effective?

Energy Audits are the only real way to save money on home energy because they pinpoint the exact way you use energy.

And the two home energy audit kits, available for download on are the perfect way to do a professional quality energy audit yourself at home, in your spare time or during a weekend.

The audit kits are available in either a professional version or starter version. The starter version contains everything you need to do a basic energy audit, and provides you with an innovative energy calculator to help you see where you use (and lose) the most energy. It doesn’t stop at just electrical usage – it also covers heating oils such as natural gas, propane or oil.

The professional kit contains everything the starter kit does, plus a whole lot more. The professional kit features the professional energy audit guide with professional quality energy auditing techniques that will have you auditing like a pro, including testing for insulation leaks and hidden insulation problems, measuring heat loss, detecting air leaks around windows and doors and much more. The professional kit contains more energy calculators and loads of free extras. Here’s the side by side comparison of the starter and professional kits.

The new kits mark a tremendous improvement over the older versions of the kit, and a leap forward for homeowners who want to save money on their energy bills. There is no better time to start saving on energy than right now, as energy costs soar (especially in the colder areas where winter is most harsh.)

One thought on “New Home Energy Audit Kits available

  1. Great, informative sight! I’m an independent energy auditor in MA providing diagnostic tools & tests to support Do-It-Yourselfers make effective changes to their homes. Using a Blower-door test and Thermal imaging helps DIYers find priority places to spend their time sealing up or insulating. DIYers just need help from the right tools to save valuable time…and at a low cost.

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